February 15, 2011

a friendly reminder

AsSalaamu Alaikum,

Don't muddle over things. Muddling is unnecessary because we know our way of life...the path in which we intend to walk..Allah SWT has revealed it to our beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW.

We do not need to question our actions because insha'Allah as muslims we are constantly questioning and rectifying our intentions the way we were instructed, before anything even happens insha'Allah. Alhamdullilah.

The energy that we derive from not having to second guess our actions is full of power and surely it comes from Allah SWT.

May we adhere to Islam to maintain peace in our hearts and simplicity in our lives.

Here is a beautiful quiet recitation for you to enjoy.



1 comment:

  1. asSalaam alaykum. mashaAllah... long time no post! inshaAllah all is well with you.
