May 18, 2010


AsSalaamu Aleikum bloggy readers!
As you can see I am certainly in a more energetic mood today.
I am in Asia to visit family and already I've been subjected to many things that challenge my religious values. In the bigger picture, there are many smaller pictures. The chinese family unit cannot function efficiently if it is not held together by pride and respect. Family pride is fed by respect and submission from the younger individuals. By obeying and pleasing older family members, we respect them but we also feed their pride. Of course the intention is the most important issue here, but the lines are indeed hard to draw when your intention is to do something to please Allah (SWT) and the outcome will be quite muddled.
My dua'a these days has become one that asks for more strength and knowledge to walk the straight path and forgiveness for ignorant things I have done intentionally.
I will update again tomorrow insha'Allah!!!!
Hope you are well,


  1. wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah!
    MashaAllah. How long is the trip?

  2. Walaikum Salaam! :D
    Wow, so interesting to hear about the complex dynamics of a Chinese household! Love to hear more about it.
    I understand that pleasing Allah swt might become hard when others don't agree with your views/practices or want you to do something that goes against yours. Keep praying to Allah swt, following him will only bring good, Inshallah.
