December 05, 2010


Salaam Alaikum my dear friends...

Some thoughts:
When does closing your ears become a deficit?
When does closing your eyes become a deficit?
How open should our hearts remain to our loved ones when one has embraced their own way of life?
How do you love someone that doesn't understand your own meaning of love.....

These are the trials and tribulations that we are grateful for. To be physically and mentally able to complete the processes of emotion, reflection, and reasoning......To transition from one state to another...and still remain in rememberance of Allah.

Our hearts are beautiful!
This video made me cry.

Here's a random analogy for you guys:

Practicing Islam/Dhikr/Worshipping Allah to me is like taking an anticoagulant to prevent blood in the body from clotting and causing further complications (such as stroke, etc..).

When you take the blood pressure from this person, you may find that it is within normal ranges...But your assessment is not implicating that this person does not longer need the medication.

It simply indicates that the risk for blood clotting may be under control...which means the medication is effective...Subhan'Allah!

Shaytaan can mask your weaknesses so well that once you realize what was causing your pain, it can be too late....It is up to us to self-medicate.

Shaytaan has the power to control our moods, our thoughts, our desires....To make us think that we no longer need any discipline or knowledge......

To isolate us as a feeding frenzy to our negative thoughts...and To help us make reasonable excuses for our sins. It is no joking matter.

May Allah SWT increase our awareness that we are his creation and our sole purpose in this dunya is to worship Allah SWT, And protect us from the accursed Shaytaan.




  1. asSalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah,

    A good reminder for us, barak Allah fiikum. It is Allah who is in control of everything, shaytan may try to trick us but it is only Allah who is in complete control. I remind myself to always seek guidance from Allah and seek nearness to him and protection with du'a, for only Allah has the Might and Ability. and Allah knows best.

  2. salaam dear. mashaallah good reminder. i'll be watching the video.
    sending my love,
    ur sis
